Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall in Hanoi

The temperature started to drop the last 2-3 weeks. Last week I started to see people wearing jackets, especially in the morning and evening. My friends tell me that this is the favorite season for most people in Hanoi.

One common complain among foreigners living in Southeast Asia is the heat and humidity. You hear that in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and even Ho Chi Minh City. It's hot and humid all year round.

Hanoi is different. It has four seasons. The temperature in the winter drops down to as low as 10C or 50F. That is not cold by most American city standard but it's cold for this part of the world. The high recently has been in the low 80s' and the low has been in the high 50s' (in Fahrenheit)

Keep in mind that the most common mode of transportation is motorcycles. My friends said that it's much colder when you are riding towards the outskirts of Hanoi, past farmlands.

Some my friends are also getting sick because of the change in the weather. Sound familiar?

Today is Halloween. Do they celebrate it here in Vietnam? Some of the restaurants and bars do but not the general population. I was surprised a lot of people here are familiar with what Halloween is. No trick or treating for the kids, however.

1 comment:

  1. Meng.....the photos and the stories are awesome! We get a up front and personal feel of your journey. I hope all is well for you and the family. We miss you back here and look forward to seeing you again on the canal banks.
    Jose will be "kick-in it" in new York this weekend and we wish him our best! He mentioned that he might meet up with your son. All is well back here, keep the stories coming!!!
    Take care, John
